Crowdin AI

Developer Guide: Automated AI Localization

9 mins read
AI Translation: Guide to Translating Content with AI

Lightning fast, continuous localization. Decent quality. Super affordable. All automated with no humans in the loop.

This guide shows you how to build a multilingual product on autopilot using Crowdin. The workflow is tech stack agnostic and suitable for web, mobile and desktop applications, as well as their documentation and marketing materials.

Best of all, AI translations would be contextual. The AI will have all the information it needs to produce the best possible translations. And in the future, you would still be able to bring in a human linguists to improve translations, if you needed to.

Prerequisites: You have an internationalized web or mobile application. This means that all translatable texts from the UI have been extracted into the resource files. The implementation time of this guide is 30 minutes.

Localizing Svelte Applications with Svelte-i18n and Crowdin

29 mins read
Svelte Localization with Crowdin

The Internet has made the world a global, interconnected village, and the content we produce should reflect this reality. Using internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n), software developers and digital content creators can translate their content to fit different languages and cultures around the world.

For developers using JavaScript to build web applications, they have plenty of options to choose from. Popular frameworks like React, Angular, Vue, and Svelte, and even newer ones like Solid and Qwik, all have dedicated i18n libraries. In this article, however, we’ll be looking at i18n with Svelte.

Next.js internationalization (i18n): Going international with next-intl

39 mins read
next.js translate with crowdin

While English is known to be the lingua franca of the web, when you look at the the top languages by number of native speakers, the result looks fairly more diverse:

  1. Chinese (1.3 billion native speakers)
  2. Spanish (485 million native speakers)
  3. English (373 million native speakers)
  4. Arabic (362 million native speakers)
  5. Hindi (344 million native speakers)

With language being the foundation of communication, it’s clear that if you want to make your web content available to an international audience, you can enhance the user experience by supporting more than a single language. Internationalization, often abbreviated to i18n, furthermore allows your business to expand globally and enter new markets.

In this article, we will explore the process of adapting a Next.js site that was initially designed for a single language & market to be able to cater to an international audience. We will achieve this by implementing internationalization using next-intl, a library specifically created for Next.js that offers all the relevant pieces for an internationalized web experience.

To practically explore this transition, we will discuss the Next.js internationalization of an e-commerce storefront for a bicycle manufacturer based in the UK that is planning to sell its products to Switzerland.

Astro Websites Localization and Internalization

15 mins read
Astro i18n with Crowdin

In this article, you will learn the basics of Astro localization, so you can make your website multilingual to reach new markets. We’ll discuss i18n and localization best practices that will ensure that you can adapt an application to meet the cultural, language, and other requirements of a country or region you’re targeting.

Integrating your localization software with an Astro-based website is an important step to automating the localization process.

Let’s start with a walk-through on how to set up language sub-paths and connect Crowdin to your Astro project.

A Guide to Angular i18n and Localization

25 mins read
Angular i18n with Crowdin

Building Angular apps that will be accessible for people from different countries and cultures requires you to implement internationalization (i18n) and localization in web applications. In this article, we will explore the concepts of i18n and localization in Angular and provide a guide to implementing them effectively.

What Is Localization Testing?

9 mins read
What is localization testing and how to work with a localization quality assurance tester

Localization is all about adapting to the local needs of our customer base. Be it the language, cultural information, or preferred color. We need localization to make sure we serve our customers the product they deserve. Although, it is a huge topic, today we’ll be focusing on localization testing.

Preparing a Global Design: Internationalization (i18n) Guide

12 mins read
Prepare design for internationalization

Design for internationalization is essential for any business wanting to reach a global market. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of design for internationalization and how to best prepare the design for internationalization to make your product or service attractive to people worldwide.

How to Build a Multi-Language Application with NuxtJS

20 mins read
Nuxtjs i18n and product localization with Crowdin

It’s increasingly common for businesses and organizations to have their applications support multiple languages. Building multi-language applications can be a challenging task. Luckily, there are tools and frameworks available that can make the process easier and more efficient.

One such tool is NuxtJS, a powerful and popular JavaScript framework. Use it to build multi-language applications with its built-in nuxt i18n module. Even better, NuxtJS offers a range of features and benefits that make it well-suited for building multi-language applications, including server-side rendering, code-splitting, and automatic code generation.

How to Localize your SaaS Application: Best Practices

20 mins read
Key steps for SaaS localization

As a SaaS business grows, it becomes more important for you to make your product available to users all over the world. As more and more customers from different locales come in, you might start to wonder how to tackle SaaS localization and translation without creating extra work or complicating the processes that already work.

No matter how much content you have and how many people are creating and editing it, with the proper infrastructure and tools, it is possible to create a multilingual product that will help you win customers speaking different languages and grow your business. Translation and localization can be automated, so there’s no copy-pasting for you.

How to Localize JavaScript and React Apps with LinguiJS

28 mins read
How to Localize JavaScript and React Apps with LinguiJS

Internationalization (i18n) prepares your apps for a global audience in today’s interconnected world. If you’re a JavaScript or React developer looking for a lightweight, powerful i18n tool, you might like LinguiJS.

Tutorial on Python i18n: How to Use Gettext Python Module

13 mins read
Tutorial on Python apps translation

The primary purpose of Python app localization is to provide content in different languages and in user-friendly formats. Depending on the settings and locale of the user, they’ll see different languages ​​visiting the same application.

To translate Python apps you need to consider both internationalization and localization. These terms are often misused, therefore, let’s immediately agree that internationalization (i18n) will refer to the process of preparing programs for translation carried out by developers. Whereas, localization (l10n) is performed mainly by localization managers and translation teams, and is the process of translating and creating content for local audiences. In this article, we’ll focus mainly on python i18n.

Java i18n (Internationalization) and Localization Tutorial

27 mins read
Java localization and internationalization

As an aspiring developer, finding a quick and reliable way to offer your app to the world can be challenging. It is the reason why you have to learn Java i18n and l10n (internationalization and localization).

Using Java, you already have the tools to detect the user’s locale and translate your app accordingly.

Android App Localization: Key Steps

25 mins read
How to Localize Android Apps

Android is used by many people worldwide, so getting Android localization right has become an essential part of making apps.

You might be a beginner developer making your first Android app or an experienced programmer adding to your dozen or so other Android apps. But the main question is: who are you making this app for? This article will help you learn the key steps for the Android localization and reaching new markets.

Internationalization vs. Localization: The Difference Between l10n and I18n

16 mins read
What's The Difference Between l10n and I18n?

Are you looking for a way to offer your product worldwide? Then you probably already have come across terms like “internationalization” and “localization.” Let’s talk more about these steps of taking your product global.

Software Localization: Taking Your Product to the Next Level

12 mins read
Software Localization: Taking Your Product to the Next Level

Do you want your software to be used all over the world? If your answer is yes, it’s time to think about localization. Localizing your software is a crucial step if you set your sights on global success.

In this article, you can learn the basics of the software localization process and how multilingual software ensures an efficient and cost-effective expansion of your product around the world.

Unity Game Localization with Crowdin Plugin

8 mins read
Unity Game Localization with Crowdin Plugin

Unity is known as a top-notch game development tool. The list of games made with Unity increases every year because the platform is constantly updating.

Whether you are one of Unity’s developers or just planning to join the community, remember the importance of adding a game localization step to your development cycle. Or learn with us how to do it afterward. When done right, game localization gives you a competitive edge and increases your revenue.

In this article, you’ll learn how to translate Unity games with the Crowdin plugin, send your game content from Unity to Crowdin, provide context for your localization team, download completed translations, and more.

Node.js i18n: Agile Localization for Developers

10 mins read
Node.js i18n: Agile Localization for Developers

In today’s market, people seek personalization. They expect your app to speak their native language. In this article, we will cover how you can translate your Node.js app using a developer-friendly localization platform. Learn about the i18n framework and how to integrate your repository with a localization system to automate Node.js localization.

3 Lessons on Game Localization from SCS Software

6 mins read
Lessons on Game Localization from SCS Software

SCS Software is a video game development company located in Prague, Czech Republic. The company became famous worldwide thanks to two notable games: American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. SCS Software is also a proud winner of the 2016 Steam Awards in two categories, PC Gamer’s Best Sim 2012 and Czech Game of the Year Technological Solution Award 2016.

Crowdin helps SCS Software manage the localization of their products and Steam Achievements into 47 languages, as more than 70% of their customers are non-English speakers. SCS Software engages its players to be a part of the localization process in Crowdin, which currently has 200+ members.

This article includes the key takeaways and lessons on game localization from the case study we did with SCS Software. Read the full version for more details.

CakePHP i18n: Agile Localization for Developers

9 mins read
CakePHP Localization: Agile Localization for Developers

CakePHP is an open-source web framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns. It is generally used for handling web applications, the huge library support in CakePHP makes the development clear and easy.

This article will discover CakePHP translation basics, how Crowdin can help you keep the localization process agile and handle the translation of constant app updates.

Game Localization: How to Succeed

12 mins read
Game Localization: How to Succeed

From the early days of computer games and the first versions of Nintendo and Sony PlayStation, technology evolved significantly, now video game sector is incredibly large and even broader than the movie and music industries. Even though it doesn’t receive the same public attention, there are over three billion gamers worldwide. It’s 38% of the world’s population.

Localizing games allows you to improve your sales, increase the number of downloads, satisfy your international players, keep your place in a competitive market, and boost your App Store rating.

Django i18n: Agile Localization for Developers

8 mins read
Django Translation: Agile Localization for Developers

Let’s discover Django i18n and translation basics and the importance of a localized version of the app for your users.

A language switcher is usually the first or one of the first things you check if the app language is not handled automatically by your location. Moreover, it became a standard expectation for all top-tier apps to have a multilingual interface.

In this article, we’ll cover the localization peculiarities of Django-based apps and how to localize your web app efficiently, considering not only the app features you have now, but the future updates too.

Apps, Integrations, and Tools for Development Teams Dealing With Localization

11 mins read
Apps, Integrations, and Tools for Development Teams Dealing With Localization

If there was a single word that describes what engineers look for in the localization process, what would it be? We found the answer long ago as we only started as a company. AUTOMATION is the solution to almost every challenge development teams face nowadays when building multilingual products.

Our collection of tools for development teams is one of the most extensive and ensures the level of automation developers seek. There are also apps to provide translators with context, better manage community translation, customize QA checks and placeholders, and more!

5 Smart Ways to Approach Mobile App Localization

22 mins read
5 Smart Ways to Approach App Localization

Localization used to be a part of the app scaling strategy. But not anymore. Today, when users download a mobile application, they already expect it to match their language preferences. So no matter what stage of the app development you’re in, localization should be part of it. The good news, localization is no longer a process that slows down everything. If done with the right technology, it is smoothly integrated into the development process and becomes an integral part of the app life cycle.

Let’s discuss automation in the iOS and Android app localization, sharing translations between app localization projects, and providing context for translators. You’ll also learn about string localization without resource files and export Android XML and Strings files if the sources were uploaded in other formats.

Development and Localization Running in Parallel: Tips for Developers

7 mins read
Development and localization running in parallel: tips for developers

To release multilingual products successfully, you’ll need to add localization to your workflow and make sure it’s automated so it won’t delay your next release. With Crowdin, localization can go in parallel with the development process. Meaning that each new text string created or modified by you goes to the translator into the Crowdin project. Translations get back to your repository in a few minutes. This way you’ll have translations once you’re ready to deploy your next update.

How Document360 Team Built an Integration With Crowdin to Offer Customers a Better Localization Experience

5 mins read
How Document360 Team Built an Integration With Crowdin to Offer Customers a Better Localization Experience

Document360 is a Knowledge Base software that helps tech companies worldwide manage and publish helpful content for their products. A few months ago, the team approached us with an idea to build an integration between our systems to simplify the localization workflows for the Document360 customers.

Read on to find out how Document360 became among the first Crowdin Apps creators and now allow customers to translate the helpful content with much less effort.

Announcing the New API 2.0

4 mins read
Announcing the New API 2.0

Crowdin releases a powerful RESTful API 2.0 that allows you to do almost everything that you’d otherwise do through the interface. With the new API, you can build a continuous localization cycle and integrate it into the development process.

We’ve expanded the functionality covered, improved overall API structure and performance, and made it easier for engineering teams to connect with both Crowdin and Crowdin Enterprise. You can communicate with the Crowdin API through standard HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.

Add Localization to Your GitHub Workflows With Crowdin Action

1 min read
Add Localization to Your GitHub Workflows With Crowdin Action

GitHub Actions give you the flexibility to set up automated software development workflows. Instead of writing lots of scripts, you can create customizable workflows and connect a series of tasks. Like building, testing, releasing, and more. Because localization is an integral part of the development lifecycle, we’ve included Crowdin Action to GitHub Marketplace. You can now add localization to the automated workflow and build multilingual products with the power of automation (read – faster and with less effort).

Azure Repos Integration. Let Localization Keep up With Your Release Cycles

3 mins read
Azure Repos Integration. Let Localization Keep up With Your Release Cycles

Crowdin integrates with Azure Repos to help you release multilingual versions of your product faster. Sync content between Crowdin and your source code to integrate localization into the development cycle.

Localize feature branches separately from the master branch, while they are still in development. Translators will immediately get notified of the new content to be translated. Files with ready translations will be pushed as pull requests to the l10n branch in Azure Repos repository. Ready to be merged.

A Closer Look at Crowdin Mobile SDK Extras: Real-Time Preview and Screenshots

6 mins read
A Closer Look at Crowdin Mobile SDK Extras: Real-Time Preview and Screenshots

The key idea behind developing Crowdin Mobile SDK was to help you make the apps you build accessible to global customers faster, keeping your data secure, and ensuring the high quality of translation. Hence, Over-the-Air Content Delivery allows you to update the translated strings of the iOS and Android apps instantly. Without submitting a new app version on the App Store or Google Play each time new translations arrive.

Along with CDN, Crowdin Mobile SDK allows you to set up two additional features. Both Screenshots and Real-Time Preview are not aimed at your end-users but will help to give translators functional and visual context. Learn how you can integrate SDK extras in your app localization workflow and get better translations.

Over-The-Air Content Delivery for Android and iOS Apps

4 mins read
Over-The-Air Content Delivery for Android and iOS Apps is Available

Make translations of your app accessible to your users in a click with Crowdin Over-the-Air Content Delivery for mobile apps.

No need to release a new version of the app on the App Store or Google Play each time you want to publish new translations. Install Crowdin SDK on your app and deliver ready translations from your Crowdin project immediately. Two additional features will help to upload screenshots automatically and preview translations in the app in real-time.

Join Us for GitHub Education December Contest

3 mins read
Join Us for GitHub Education December Contest

As a member of the GitHub Student Developer Pack, we are always happy to see student projects becoming multilingual with Crowdin. That’s why we’re running a contest together with GitHub Education starting December 2 until December 27, 2019.

The most active student using Crowdin for project localization receives a 100$ gift card (for App Store & iTunes or Google Play) + our cool swag. Some of the best student projects get a chance to be featured in the GitHub Student Gallery

Crowdin for Students: Bring Agile Localization to the Classroom

2 mins read
Crowdin for Students: Bring Agile Localization to the Classroom

Crowdin joins the GitHub Student Developer Pack program to help students build software that speaks different languages. If you are a student enrolled in the Pack program, you will get a free annual subscription to Crowdin Bronze plan. Your project is open-source? Request an open-source license and use Crowdin for free forever. We love open-source philosophy and support young professionals that seek real-world experience in software localization.

5 Things Every Developer Should Know About Localization (l10n)

9 mins read
5 Things Every Developer Should Know About Localization (l10n)

Being a developer you understand that to grow you need to be always learning, whether from books, visiting conferences, or reading articles like this one. Among the new essential skills, you should be acquiring right now is rightfully placed the ability to build software that supports localization.