Make Your Zendesk Help Center an International Resource

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Make Your Zendesk Help Center an International Resource

Whether you’re a global business or have the ambition to become one, you need to find a way to help customers in their native language. A multiple language help center can become a valuable resource for self-service. Your clients will be able to find the necessary answers before they even contact your customer success team. And more, a multilanguage help center can power up your support agents and help them provide consistent personal assistance.

Integrate your Zendesk Help Center with Crowdin to seamlessly translate your helpful content. Turn it into a valuable source of knowledge for both – your global customers and your team.

If Your Localization Workflow Looks Like That – You Need a Change

First, a localization manager creates a spreadsheet (this one is a scary word in the localization world) with all the content for a Knowledge Base. Or downloads the HTML of the English articles and writes them to HTML files. Second, the files are sent to a translation vendor. Third, after the translations are ready, someone unlucky copy-pastes (these words should be forbidden already) them to the Help Center. And every time there’s new content everything starts all over again.

How about we automate all the steps described above and turn localization of your help center into an integrated and ongoing process? All you need – Crowdin account and a project under it.

Localize Zendesk Help Center in an Agile Way

To stay agile during localization – connect your Crowdin project with your Zendesk Help Center. With the Crowdin and Zendesk Guide integration:

  • The source files are added to your Crowdin project automatically and are available for translators you invite.
  • Translators work on the content in Crowdin using all the localization resources added to a project. Like Translation Memory and Glossaries, and more.
  • Ready translations arrive in your Help Center at a period you specify (every 3 hours, for example).
  • You press Publish when the article is fully ready to serve your audience.
  • When there are changes in the source content on the Zendesk side, the source files in Crowdin will be updated automatically and translators will see the new content they need to work at.

To set up the integration between Crowding and Zendesk Guide you will need to specify your Help Center URL. No code to add. No tech skills required. Learn more about the setup.

Key Facts about Multilingual Zendesk Help Center

Each help desk software has its peculiarities. These are some helpful things to know before you start setting up the integration and launch localization.

Target Languages You Can Translate to

From Crowdin side, there’s no cap on the number of languages you can translate your content to. To be able to upload translations to Zendesk Guide, make sure you’ve enabled the target languages in your Help Center settings. Learn how you can configure your Zendesk Help Center to support multiple languages.

Content You Need to Localize

Any article from your Zendesk Help Center should have a parent section, and a section should always have a parent category. So if you add a translated article that does not have a corresponding translated section or category, users won’t see the article in the Help Center. That is why if you publish an article in Italian, make sure you add both the Italian category and the Italian section this article belongs to.

You will easily localize categories and sections via Crowdin. Names and descriptions of chosen Zendesk Guide categories and sections will be added to your Crowdin project as separate files.

Start Localization of Your Help Center

If you have clients worldwide, your business should speak their native languages. Be it website, application UI, or Knowledge Base. Bringing Crowdin and Zendesk Guide together helps you meet expectations to customer support easier.

Multilingual Help Center is a scalable, time-saving solution that offers a consistent experience for your global customers. With Crowdin, localization is agile, automated, and worth the effort. Learn more about Crowdin for Zendesk integration setup or sign up for a Crowdin account, if you don’t have one.

TL;DR: You can automate the localization process and seamlessly create multilingual versions of your Zendesk help center with the new Crowdin integration.

Iryna Namaka