Meeds: Streamlining Translation Management and Community Engagement

5 mins read
Meeds: Streamlining Translation Management and Community Engagement

Meeds is a decentralized platform that uses blockchain technology to manage communities and incentivize engagement. The platform’s mission is to reward community contributions fairly and transparently, enhancing global collaboration and inclusivity.

Patrice Lamarque, Community Lead at Meeds DAO, shared insights into their localization journey and the significant improvements achieved through integrating Crowdin (creating Meeds app).


Meeds DAO


Decentralized Community Management Platform


Translation by Community Contributors



  • Enabled translations into multiple languages
  • Reached a diverse global community
  • Streamlined translation process
  • Enhanced community engagement through incentivization
  • Created Meeds <> Crowdin app

Localized Content

  • White papers
  • Software User Interface
  • Resources
  • Community-generated content

Manual vs. Automated Localization

Before Crowdin, Meeds faced a time-consuming manual process rewarding people for translations they made in Crowdin.

Patrice explained:

“It was difficult to manage manually. So many things to verify and check.”

After extensive research and consideration, the Meeds team chose Crowdin for its straightforward API and robust features.

“Choosing a tool with simple UI/UX was very important to us, as we knew we would spend a lot of time with this tool, and this was one of the reasons we chose Crowdin,” said Patrice.

Crowdin API Integration Made by Meeds

Integrating Crowdin with Meeds’s platform allowed for seamless content translation and delivery. The API enabled automated syncing of new content, eliminating the need for manual updates and significantly reducing the team’s workload.

“Our engineering team didn’t have any difficulties integrating with Crowdin, so the process was smooth and didn’t take much of their time,” Patrice noted.

Want to see a live demo of the platform?

Incentivizing Community Contributions

Meeds leverages its incentivization engine to reward community translators. This approach has enhanced engagement and ensured a steady flow of high-quality translations.

“Our incentivization engine ensures that contributions are rewarded fairly and transparently,” Patrice commented.

Translation Memory and Context

Translation memory has been a crucial feature, helping maintain consistency and quality across Meeds’s diverse content.

“Translation memory is an absolute lifesaver. With a higher volume of content, having the translation memory saves us time and ensures high quality of the content,” Patrice emphasized.

Providing visual context for translators, such as screenshots and WYSIWYG views, has further improved the accuracy and relevance of translations.

“Our installation instructions must be perfect in all languages. Therefore, providing context and having translators with great product knowledge is important to us,” said Patrice.

GitHub Action for Continuous Translation

A key aspect of Meeds’s streamlined localization process is the integration with GitHub through Crowdin GitHub Action. This synchronization allows the community to continuously translate the software as it is developed, ensuring that translations are always up-to-date with the latest codebase.

Want to see a live demo of the platform?

Streamlining Workflows and Future Plans

The integration has not only streamlined the translation process but also prepared Meeds for future expansion. The team plans to add more languages and further enhance their community engagement strategies.

“Meeds plans to continue expanding its global reach by adding more languages and integrating additional platforms to maximize the utility of our incentivization engine,” confirmed Patrice.

Future plans include translating user documentation and internal wiki pages. The team is also contemplating tighter integration with content production features, such as wiki-style notes and news articles, to further enhance the platform’s functionality.


The partnership between Meeds and Crowdin has been a success, highlighting the importance of leveraging advanced localization tools to enhance community engagement and streamline translation workflows. As Patrice summarized:

“Crowdin’s technical excellence and outstanding support made this integration a success.”

Through this integration, Meeds continues to foster a vibrant, multilingual community, driving its mission of global collaboration and inclusivity.

Localize your product with Crowdin

Automate content updates, boost team collaboration, and reach new markets faster.
Diana Voroniak