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In-Context Localization Tool

3 min read
In-Context Localization Tool

Crowdin gives wide range of possibilities to provide contextual information to translators. We allow to upload screenshots to show where the text segment is being used in real product, comment segments, create glossary to highlight and explain important terms, collaborate on choosing best translation and more.

Today, after more than 6 months of active development, we release the public beta of our brand new In-Context localization tool for web applications called JIPT (Just In Place Translations).

JIPT allows translators to do their work right in the live application, immediately preview translation in original context thus produce best possible quality localization. All of the texts that are visible in browsers can be translated this way (including ones stored in the database).

Under the Hood

You start with regular Crowdin project by uploading localizable resources and optionally integrate Crowdin to your development process.

Practically the integration is all about the few steps you can find in Project Settings under “JIPT” tab.

Using your localization files Crowdin produces pseudo-language package that should be integrated to your application as an extra localization language.

We recommend to integrate JIPT with your staging or dedicated translation environment installation (but you can integrate it with your product also by providing special translation mode like Facebook does).

Next step is the one-line JavaScript library integration.

The pseudo-language integrated earlier contains special identifiers instead of original texts, thus when switching your app to that language all of the labels become not readable… for human. The JavaScript search for those identifiers through the pages and replace them with editable labels.

So translator does not see any difference between live app and app with integrated JIPT. But the tool knows what part of the app is translatable and provides all of the means to let translator localize in-context.

The translation process is accomplished via minimized regular Crowdin translation page with all the functionalities (proofread/vote option, comments, terms, etc). Additionally it is easy to review translations for proofreaders and assure quality for QAs that way.

The best part of this approach is that it’s technology independent. If you can localize your web application with Crowdin, you can do so with JIPT. The approach also does not involve proxy servers.

What is moreover it is possible to localize dynamic parts of the application: dynamic dialogs and messages that appear in the runtime. Same with the content stored in the database.

That’s it. No coding, no heavy changes in your application.

Eventually, Crowdin is the only provider of such solution since it is based on the patent pending technology.

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Iryna Bilyk

Iryna Bilyk

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