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Localization Tips and Product Updates

Page 19

New "Undo" Feature in Project Activity Feed
New "Undo" Feature in Project Activity Feed
2 min read

You definitely had those minutes when you realize that unexpectedly all your solid efforts fall off the edge of the earth, or your work is so messed up that the only way to fix it is to start from the very beginning. You could upload translation file for the wrong language or some of your evil translators spoiled the beautiful translation process by doing wrong translations. There is no way you are going to experience those with Crowdin because we took care about your composure and comfort. New feature is entirely ready to make your project completely accurate and mess-free. We call it “Activity Undo”, because it magically abolish all unnecessary and nonsensical actions of inexperienced translators, upset proofreaders or sleepy project managers (that is probably you) that made some fuzzy translation, votes, approvals or uploads. You can monitor all the project activities and cancel actions you do not like or appreciate. You can be brutally honest to those actions that do not fit the concept of your project. Here is how it works: ![](../../assets/blog/images/undo.webp) You can cancel bad activities just for one “Undo” click. The following activities can be undone: - translations; - votes; - approvals. Moreover, we have added and improved several activity types that will help you make the picture of your project crystal clear. Here are the new activities: - find out the exact name of the file that was added, updated or deleted; - bring to light the number of updated strings so you they will never be forgotten. These awesome activities will make it absolutely clear for translators what to do next after getting project update notification. Crowdin just cannot stop getting better for you because we understand that the better we are the happier are our customers. Remember to subscribe our new blog and you will never miss new awesome stuff that is coming soon.

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