Who Are Localization Managers and Why Your Business Needs One • 7 min read
Teams face many questions when it comes to localization. Once you decide to scale your product internationally, you have a lot of work to do. Besides deciding on the target market, languages, and budget, you’ll need to find software, prepare your code, upload the files, find translators, ensure they won’t crush the code, have all the resources to provide high-quality translations, and more.
In most cases, coordinating all of these efforts is the job of a dedicated person with management skills, understanding how to automate content updates and set up a continuous translation process.
Businesses looking to expand internationally typically have an in-house team member in charge of localization or outsource this role. To free up your teams from handling new extra tasks and for those who don’t have a lot of content and updates to hire an in-house employee, Crowdin offers to hire a virtual localization manager to handle the role of your localization lead.
Why the job of a localization project manager is so crucial for a product to succeed internationally? Who should hire a virtual localization manager? Keep reading to find the answers.