Localization Tips and Product Updates - Page 21

July at Crowdin

2 mins read

“Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?” said unknown.

I don’t know how about you, but I would like to live in the world with no hard work at all.

The place where only positive and favourite jobs are all over the globe. Where all the time and efforts do not matter as long as the job makes you happy.

Crowdin is pleased to announce that growing number of people keep finding their favourite jobs in our company and, actually, take a chance to be absolutely completely happy with what they do even in late night hours of deadline.

Typical question of most of you after starting the Crowdin project was “How to get translators for my project”. Since Crowdin is crowdsourcing management platform we offered you to invite your communities/partners/colleagues to help with the translation. Still, sometimes it’s not enough.

When deadline is close and quality is critical you realize that the only way to proceed is to involve professionals. That brought additional expenses for organization and management process.

Another usual situation. Project is particularly translated by volunteers and considering close deadline you need to finish translation or just make sure crowd-made translations are of appropriate quality.

We can keep on counting the cases when support of professional linguists were required. Forget all those challenges. We’re excited to announce the solution today. Simple and automated as usual.

Jubilee Summing up

2 mins read

Ladies and Gentlemen!

*here goes ceremonial music*

Let me announce that Crowdin is celebrating!

*ceremonial music changes to rock-n-roll :)*

Last Thursday 100,000 users considered Crowdin as the best translation management service.

Hi there!

You definitely have been waiting for the new post to appear, I got it from your eyes :)

We have some great news to share.

Our technical department is like a assembly of magician that code their magic all over Crowdin and every minute they make our service the most comfortable localization place for your applications.

Here I’m going to describe some magic tricks that you probably do not notice at once but will obviously notice dealing with .xml or .docx files.

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You definitely had those minutes when you realize that unexpectedly all your solid efforts fall off the edge of the earth, or your work is so messed up that the only way to fix it is to start from the very beginning.

You could upload translation file for the wrong language or some of your evil translators spoiled the beautiful translation process by doing wrong translations.

There is no way you are going to experience those with Crowdin because we took care about your composure and comfort. New feature is entirely ready to make your project completely accurate and mess-free.

We call it “Activity Undo”, because it magically abolish all unnecessary and nonsensical actions of inexperienced translators, upset proofreaders or sleepy project managers (that is probably you) that made some fuzzy translation, votes, approvals or uploads.

You can monitor all the project activities and cancel actions you do not like or appreciate. You can be brutally honest to those actions that do not fit the concept of your project.

Localize your content with Crowdin

Want to grow your business faster? Make your content multilingual to reach a wider audience.